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Announcement: My website has been updated again!
New features: activities, tools, dark mode and minimalist mode! ! !

Hello, I'm Zhu Jingqi! I love learning, I like going out to play, I am cheerful and optimistic, I am good at making handicrafts, and I am creative! I like programming best, so I made my own website.

The programming languages I study: C++,HTML,CSS (note: HTML and CSS are learning by themselves)

My development tool: Windows10 (see my personal introduction for more details)

If you have any bugs or suggestions, please give feedback to 97700826@qq.com. Once adopted, it will be included in the thank-you list!

Thanks you, please look at the advertisement at last ... ! ! ! Look at some advertisements! ! !


advertising of mathematics

Math is my home,
Learning depends on everyone!

Advertised by Liu Zeyu

  Interested in me? My mailbox: 97700826@qq.com! See contact information for more details!
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Friendly link:
Pang Yuyuan's website
Friendly link:
Liu Zeyu website
Written by Zhu Jingqi
Development: GitHub